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In Which Pride Month Begins (And I Share My Thoughts)

Writer's picture: Lily MayLily May

June is always an interesting month. A beautiful one, sure, but also an interesting one. LGBT+ supporters tend to plaster rainbow flags and signs everywhere; no matter how much you try, you can't avoid it. It's pride month.

In light of this fact, I'd like to share some of my thoughts on the LGBT+ movement, and how we as Christians should respond.

As I write this post, I will assume that the majority of those reading are young Christians who do not agree with the LGBT movement. Know that if you do not fit into this category, you are more than welcome to read on- but please keep the audience that I intended in mind. (: Also, know that we will be talking about some deep topics here, so proceed with caution.

We are called to love as God intended.

I believe that God created relationships in one way and one way only: one man, one woman. I also believe that he created us male and female according to his beautiful and unique design. I don't think that he ever meant for there to be an "in-between."

Therefore, I believe that it's wrong to distort those things. If God created you female, he didn't make a mistake. He meant for you to be a woman, not a man. He has a beautiful plan for your life as a woman. God's the one writing your story...he's the one who decides who you are.

But, we are called to love.

I see a lot of hate. Everywhere; just in general. I see hate in people's reactions to everyday occurrences, even towards people they love. I see hate in myself.

If our fallen human hearts can hate so easily towards those we love and agree with, it's certainly a struggle to not hate those we disagree with. And it's a worse struggle yet to love them.

You may believe that the LGBT+ community is wrong in their actions and what they stand for. But when you don't react in love--when you react in hateful words or thoughts or emotions--you're sinning too. God calls us to love people, even those we disagree with or those we know are wrong. Loving them doesn't mean standing for what they stand for, or nodding and smiling when the topic approaches: it means respecting them as people created in God's image and seeking their best.

Recognize that this is a struggle.

In many instances, the LGBT+ movement is a fad. People cling to it because it gives them an identity and a place where people don't judge them. Many find themselves wound up in it because of peer pressure.

But for others, it's a lifelong battle that's not easily won.

Many people actually do struggle with same-sex attraction, and have for their entire lives. Many have wondered from childhood why they don't feel like a girl, or like a boy. To them, this isn't a game or a fad. This is a true question of their identity.

Let me add: struggling with such things is not sinning. Giving into those struggles is. But temptation is not a sin, nor is it something that should be taken lightly.

When addressing those that are part of the LGBT+ community, do not blow off their beliefs or struggles. They are real, and they matter. Don't just do the talking, but the listening too; you may be astounded at what battles they've been through and are still in.

God's grace is more.

When you look at the LGBT+ community, you may see brokenness. You may see sin.

But how is that different from anywhere else you look?

The truth is, we're also sinners. We don't deserve God's grace in the slightest, and neither does anyone else. The good news is, though, that God extended that grace to us anyway. And he also extends it to those in the LGBT+ community and those who support it.

Just like any type of sin in our lives, we must have repentance. I believe that those in the LGBT+ community must be willing to repent, just like anyone else. But remember that salvation from our sins does not mean an instant holiness. We still mess up. We still fall into old patterns of sin, and even new ones. God extends us grace anyway.

So why should it be different for those who are part of the LGBT+ community?

As we head into this month filled with controversy, I beseech you to love. Remember that these are God's children, made in his image. Remember that you too are a sinner, that you have done nothing to deserve God's mercy. Remember that, above all else, you have been called to love.

have any questions about my particular beliefs? feel free to drop them in the comments! (:

Toodeloo, friends!

~Lily May

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Mar 27, 2024

I know I'm late but... you couldn't have said it better! You seem to feel exactly the same way that I feel. Great job ❤️


corrie pfeffer
corrie pfeffer
Jun 14, 2023

Thanks for sharing what you think! I think that many people gloss over this time for fear of causing strife and being hated. But, we are called to do hard and things that our flesh is not comfortable with as Christians.

I agree with what you said. In this month of "love conquers all" we have to stand firm with what we know: Love does conquer all! But the true Love of Christ and His grace!

Lily May
Lily May
Jun 15, 2023
Replying to

Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts, Corrie! I agree completely. :) Thanks for reading and commenting!


Lillian Keith
Lillian Keith
Jun 08, 2023

Hi Lily! How is your week going? Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts! It's true we need to remember to shine God's grace toward everyone, and even pray for them :)

Lily May
Lily May
Jun 15, 2023
Replying to

Hey Lillian! Thanks for reading. <3 I'm so glad that it touched you! Soli deo gloria.


Jun 06, 2023

Your kindness truly shines through this post, Lily! You managed to capture the truth in a way that is both gracious and honest, and this is such a needed reminder for those of us who struggle to find the balance in what can be an incredibly difficult situation. Thank you for having the bravery to speak out and to share such an important message!



Lily May
Lily May
Jun 15, 2023
Replying to

Thank you so much, Erin! I'm so glad this encouraged you.


Ava Coulter
Ava Coulter
Jun 03, 2023

Amen, I completely agree with what you said, Lily. Thank you so much for writing this!

Lily May
Lily May
Jun 03, 2023
Replying to

Thank you! And thank you so much for reading. <3


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