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In Which I Wrap Up 2022

Writer's picture: Lily MayLily May

Every year, my family buys a Christmas ornament from Bronners, the biggest Christmas store in the world (which happens to be located about 45 minutes from us). Traditionally, our ornament marks a big milestone in our family's lives: past years have included moving homes, getting our dog, and opening our home up for foster care. But this year, we were stumped. 2022 held many tiny excitements for us, but nothing large that symbolized our year.

This year may have been uneventful for my family and I, and yet it was undoubtedly the year that my faith has grown the most. I have changed by leaps and bounds this year, made up of tiny little steps that the eye can't see. This year, God used family, friends (including online friends!), and even books to influence me deeply in my faith and in my life.

I wanted to do a wrap-up of my year, and was inspired by the way that my friend Rue did her 2022 post, so I decided to make one too. Enjoy these little snippets of my year, and a walk-through of the blessings that God has bestowed on me during 2022.


The beginning of my year was rather uneventful. Although January didn't hold much, I did find this adorable picture of Z (2 at the time) in our library from the first day of the month, and honestly, it summed up a lot of my family's year--books and babies. 🥰


  • Going sledding with friends and siblings

  • Participating in Crazy Writing Week (it's opening up again this January-- check it out here!)


Now, this month was much more exciting. As we do nearly every year, my family travelled to Florida to visit my grandparents in mid-February. This year was Z and H's first time in Florida (they stayed home with my mom in '21), and their first time on a plane ride. Although the plane ride there was delayed by five hours (with a 2yo and a 1yo...), it was a lovely trip.


  • Introducing Z and H to Florida's beach (my favorite place ever!)

  • Working on photography while in FL (the second picture is one I took of my sister)

  • Getting together with three of my best friends for a sleepover <3


After our crazy Florida trip, March was mainly spent getting back to our regular routine. But the weather was getting a tad bit nicer (for Michigan, that is)!


  • Having St. Patrick's Day shakes with my siblings!

  • Hanging out with the babies on our front porch (the picture is with Z)


April was much more eventful. I got to take a lovely second trip to Florida with a good friend (you can read more about that adventure here) and go to a homeschool prom at the end of the month.


  • Going to Florida, hanging out at the beach, etc.

  • Doing my hair all fancy for prom

  • Enjoying the new flowers with a photoshoot (featuring my sister! That post is here).


My middle-name month! This month I was graced with warm Michigan weather, the perfect time to take lovely outdoor photos and go on excursions in the lovely sun.


  • Taking photos of siblings and nature

  • Being in the choir for our Center for the Arts's 50th anniversary concert

  • Binge-watching musicals with my mom and sister while my dad and brother went on a trip to Boston


This month was bitter-sweet. My cousins, who had lived in Michigan since before we moved here, moved to Georgia in July, and so this month was our chance to spend extra time with them in preparations for goodbyes. But while goodbyes are sad, hellos are always happy--I welcomed one of my best friends home to America after three years of their family serving the Lord in China. It was one of the best days of my entire year. <3


  • Enjoying time with my aunt, uncle, and lovely cousins

  • Taking drivers' training (okay, not a highlight for me, but certainly a milestone)

  • Going on a trip with my family (in which my siblings were sick in bed the entire time, but parts of the trip were still enjoyable)

  • Welcoming my sweet friend home from China


Another busy month! My sister and I were cast in a local school production of Alice in Wonderland. My sister was the Dormouse and I was in the leading chorus. Midway through the month, I attempted to go to Worldview Academy for summer camp--but only got to stay one day before I got sick and had to go home. I'm looking forward to attending next year, though! (And I stuck in a random picture of my puppy, because she deserves a spotlight too.)


  • Alice in Wonderland productions!

  • Rooming with a friend I'd never met until camp ( night)

  • Spending time in my grandparents' pool (although no pictures of this)


August was a fun, but not as busy, month. We enjoyed the last bit of summer before I plunged into tenth grade, and my siblings into seventh and fifth. :)


  • Volunteering with my brother at our church's VBS

  • Organizing and cleaning our lovely, lovely library

  • Beginning school

  • Getting my braces off!!


The warm weather stayed for way longer than Michigan usually permits, which was a lovely blessing! I also got to have a long-awaited meetup with a friend...and when gas issues occurred and seemingly stopped us from meeting (if you know, you know), the two-hour meetup turned into a sleepover. It was a lovely month.


  • Meeting Ava (my friend) at long last!!

  • Going on another trip with my family (and staying in an RV)

  • Performing the Mozart Requiem with my mom in choir


It's finally getting cold, but the fun continues!


  • Going trick-or-treating as Mary Poppins (with my dad, the chimney sweep)

  • Lucy turning 11, H turning 2


Sadly, we didn't get to spend Thanksgiving with extended family this year. Instead, we made a ton of Thanksgiving food, got out our fancy dishes, and had a friend from church over to thank the Lord with us. <3 It was an incredible time--the Lord taught me a lot about being grateful even when things don't go as planned.


  • Participating in a homeschool craft fair

  • Z turning 3!

  • Having Thanksgiving in our own home


As every year, this month is extremely busy for us, with two birthdays plus the holidays. I celebrated my sweet sixteen with a lovely party, and then by going out to dinner with my wonderful parents. I also enjoyed Christmastime festivities with my family, extended family included!


  • Turning sixteen! <3

  • Isaac turning 13

  • Singing with my mom on the church music team

  • Participating in two choir concerts

All in all, my year was a wonderful gift from God. I have a wonderful family, some beautiful friends, and a gracious, merciful, incredible Savior. I have learned more this year than I had ever anticipated! 2022 was amazing--and I believe that 2023 will be just as good, if not better. I'm ready to receive what the Lord has in store for me; and I'm excited to seek out the adventures ahead!

what were some blessings you had in 2022? what are some resolutions you have for 2023? i'd love to hear from you!

Toodeloo, friends!

~Lily May

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Alayna Stephens
Alayna Stephens
Jan 02, 2023

LILYYYY okay first, excellent way to wrap up your year. I think I'm going to steal it. Second, you have grown SO much this year inside and it's so cool to see! Happy 2023!!

Lily May
Lily May
Jan 02, 2023
Replying to

Steal away, friendo! *hugs*

Agh, thank you--yourself as well! <3 It's so cool to see how much God can do in a year, eyy? Quite fantastic. :)


Isabella Daou
Isabella Daou
Jan 02, 2023

Sounds like a wonderful 2022! So happy you had such a great year ❤️

Lily May
Lily May
Jan 02, 2023
Replying to

I did, dear! Thank you!


Belle Thomas
Belle Thomas
Jan 02, 2023

Ah Lily, it seems like you had a wonderful year of growth! I am so happy that you got to have the opportunity to meet up with many of your friends (for some reason that just makes my heart happy.) Also I hope you get to go to Worldview in 2023, a dear friend of mine has been involved with it for a few years and absolutely loves it!

Lily May
Lily May
Jan 02, 2023
Replying to

Mm, it was certainly amazing. Thanks for reading, Belle! <3


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